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DCM-41 | Display Control Module

DCM-41 | Display Control Module


The DCM­41 Display Control Module is used to dis­ play status in the LSN 2000 system. The DCM­41 consists of 40 programmable tricolor LEDs with 40 membrane switches. Any device when activated can be displayed on the DCM­41 as a Red or Green indicator LED. Amber is reserved for when the device goes into trouble. The DCM­41 can also be used to display the status of a group of devices or an event.

The DCM­41 Display Control Module is used to dis­ play status in the LSN 2000 system. The DCM­41 consists of 40 programmable tricolor LEDs with 40 membrane switches. Any device when activated can be displayed on the DCM­41 as a Red or Green indicator LED. Amber is reserved for when the device goes into trouble. The DCM­41 can also be used to display the status of a group of devices or an event. The Display Control Module also contains 40 membrane switches behind the legend inserts. Each switch is user pro­grammable to activate a device such as a fan or a speaker. Its corresponding LED can be programmed to light upon activation of the switch or when the device returns a status it has been activated. The DCM­41 Display Control Module programmable capabilities are very powerful. Every LED/Switch is uniquely programmed. Any LED/Switch can be programmed to display the status of an alarm device such as a smoke detector, or group of devices or bypass a single device or a floor of automatic devices. The DCM­ 41 Display/Control module makes issuing controls an easy one-button operation. The DCM­41 occupies a node address within the system and requires only the network cable for connection.

  • Microprocessor Controlled
  • 40 Tricolor LEDs
  • 40 Programmable Control Switches
  • Ribbon Cable Connected
  • Occupies One Node Address
  • No Wiring Required
  • Echelon® LonTalk ® Communications
  • Low Power Consumption
  • 1/2 Module Footprint