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DCM-46 | Display Control Module

DCM-46 | Display Control Module


The DCM­46 Display Control Module is used to dis­ play status and control devices in the LSN 2000 Life Safety System. The DCM­46 consists of 40 program­mable Red/Green/Blue LED’s and 40 membrane switches. Activated devices can be represented by color­coded illuminated positions on the DCM­46. Devices in trouble can be indicated by an amber color­ coded display. In addition to individual devices, the display positions can be used to indicate the state of device groups, timers, or events.

The DCM­46 Display Control Module is used to dis­ play status and control devices in the LSN 2000 Life Safety System. The DCM­46 consists of 40 program­mable Red/Green/Blue LED's and 40 membrane switches. Activated devices can be represented by color­coded illuminated positions on the DCM­46. Devices in trouble can be indicated by an amber color­ coded display. In addition to individual devices, the display positions can be used to indicate the state of device groups, timers, or events.

The membrane switches can be used for manual control of outputs such as fans. When controlling an output, the LED can be selected to indicate the true status of the controlled output device, illuminating only once the output activates, or the LED can illuminate immediately upon the button press. User­defined legend inserts can individually identify each LED/switch position. The programming options for each DCM­46 display LED and switch allow for advanced functionalities. Each switch can control a single device or an entire floor or building's worth of devices, providing group status display and control, including group activation or bypassing, essentially allowing one-button operations. Up to 6 DCM­46's can be linked together via ribbon cables, with all six DCM’s being represented as one node address in the LSN 2000 System, increasing command station density and size, without impacting system capacities.

  • Microprocessor Controlled
  • 40 Red/Green/Blue LEDs
  • 40 Programmable Control Switches
  • Ribbon Cable Connected
  • Up to 6 Ganged Units Occupy One Node Address
  • No Wiring Required
  • Echelon® LonTalk ® Communications
  • Low Power Consumption
  • 1/2 Module Footprint